Nature of Curriculum dependent on the Objectives planned
The principle of Integration within the curriculum, a holistic perspective
Curriculum activities would definitely vary from the objectives cited. A progressive school with technological advancement would be different in nature from that of a humanistic school. Private schools plan their own curriculum, Government schools are provided with the curriculum and the measure of learning outcomes.
Curriculum can be student oriented, subject centred, environment oriented,Creative and divergent, open ended or closed or even highly teacher centric.
A curriculum is based on the student population, the available resources, the infrastructure, the availability of qualified teachers, the time table, the interests and the abilities of the student population, their background knowledge and experiences.
A curriculum is a pathway , a roadmap leading from one destination to the other in terms of grades and standards of achievement.
A curriculum reflects the program, the action plan and the personalities of the students. If the curriculum is well planned the students imbibe the good values and self discipline.
The strength of education and the strength of the students is well brought about through the curriculum activities.
The chief characteristics of the curriculum would be to plan academic activities that are both individual and group , silent and active, outdoor and indoor, linear and lateral, teacher directed and child directed, open ended and directed . These characteristic features would prevail in any subject taken to be developed through an appropriate content analysis.